
Eso How To Get To Alik R Desert

A guide to ESO Alik'r Desert quests and associated achievement. Alik'r Desert is a level 31-37 zone for the Daggerfall Covenant faction.

Other links of Interest

  • Alik'r Desert Skyshards
  • Alik'r Desert Lorebooks


Cleanser – 5 pts

  • Complete A Reckoning with Uwafa given by Throne Keeper Farvad in Tu'whacca's Throne

Discover Alik'r Locales – 5 pts

Alik'r Desert Explorer – 15 pts

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  1. Santaki
  2. Divad's Chagrin Mine
  3. Aldunz
  4. Coldrock Diggings
  5. Sandblown Mine
  6. Yldzunn

Main Story

Valley of Blades – Level 35

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Given when you get near a city and are of the appropriate level

Reward: Sword Saint's Choker, 1 Skill Point, 486 gold


Guild Quests

Proving the Deed – Level 33 – Fighter's Guild

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Given by a courier when you approach the Fighter's Guild if you are within the appropriate level

Reward: Aelif's Shadowband, 470 gold


Will of the Council – Level 43- Fighter's Guild

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Given by a courier when you approach the Fighter's Guild if you are within the appropriate level

Chateau of the Ravenous Rodent– Level 33 – Mage's Guild

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Given by Shalidor when you approach the Mage's Guild if you are within the appropriate level

Light all the Heirlooms

  • Each of the crystal you interact lit up specific beams. If you click on another crystal and it lit some of the same beams, those beams will be turned off. Your goal is to click the crystals in a specific way to lit up all 4 beams.
  • Solution: Click the leftmost crystal to lit up the left two beams and then click on the rightmost crystal to lit up the right two beams.

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Reward: Uncle Leo's Choker, 470 gold


The Mad God's Bargain Level 43 – Mage's Guild

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Given by Shalidor when you approach the Mage's Guild if you are within the appropriate level


Favor for the Queen  – Level 25

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Obtained from Queen Maraya in Rivenspire

Reward: 51 gold

Risen from the Depths – Level 32

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Given by Captain Marck after you get off the boat from Rivenspire

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Reward: Gauntlets of the Ra Gada, 231 gold


Rise of the Dead – Level 32

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Given by Guard Captain Zafira

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Reward: 231 gold

The Impervious Vault – Level 32

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Given by Prince Azah after completing Rise of the Dead

Collect Flame Stalk/Collect Worm's Head Cap

  • They are given by the merchants in the marketplace


Reward: Yokudan Epaulets, 231 gold


In Search of the Ash'abah – Level 31

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Given by King Fahara'jad after completing The Impervious Vault

Reward: 56 gold

Monkey Magic – Level 31

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Quest obtained from a suspicious monkey

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Take the potion to the monkey

  • Monkey is on the roof so you have to enter the house and then climb the doors to exit through the roof.


Reward: 113 gold

Seize the Moment – Level 31

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Given by Ildani on the roof of a house

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Find the Confiscated goods

  • When you enter the roof of the house, run around until you get a trigger to talk to Guard Azad


Reward: 227 gold

Badwater Mine – Level 31

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Quest giver is Samsi af-Bazra

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Reward: 227 gold

Past in Ruins – Level 32

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Quest giver is Herminius Sophus

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Reward: Curse-Breaker's Boots, 231 gold


Rain Catcher Fields/Santaki

Trouble at the Rain Catchers – Level 32

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Given by any of the field workers in the area

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Find who stole the vial

  • Bring the lizard to each of the three marked locations near the worker NPCs and see if he reacts. Once you find the correct NPC, he will turn yellow and you can attack him


Reward: Raincatcher Pantaloons, 462 gold


The Nature of Fate – Level 31

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Given by Anjan

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You can mount up to make this quest easier. Otherwise bring some stamina potions so you can spring longer. The mobs are annoying as they can dismount you if you get too close to them.

Reward: Dunerunners, 283 gold


Tharayya's Trail – Level 32 – Santaki

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Obtained from a note inside Santaki mini dungeon

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Tharayya is right inside Volenfell dungeon so you can reach her safely to turn in the quest.


Reward: 115 gold

Morwha's Bounty/Salas En

Morwha's Curse– Level 33 – Morwha's Bounty

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Given by Talia at-Marimah who will run up to you when you approach the wayshrine

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Reward: 117 gold

The Initiation – Level 33

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Given by Marimah after completing Morwha's Curse

Reward: Helm of the Ash'abah, 293 gold


Ash'abah Rising – Level 32

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Given by Talia after completing The Initiation

Reward: 57 gold

Thwarting the Aldmeri Dominion – Level 33

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Quest giver is Lady Clarisse Laurent

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Reward: Greaves of Firsthold, 235 gold


Lady Laurent's Favor – Level 32

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Quest giver is Stibbons

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Talk to Tamien

  • Tamien is up on a scaffold above so you have to reach him there. Go around the back ands you will find a path to reach him.

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Reward (if gave to Stibbons): Leg Guards of Loyalty, 231 gold


The Oldest Orc – Level 32

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Given by Gurlak from the dungeons below Salas En

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  • You have to press the blue tiles in a specific sequence. The hints for the sequence are on the wall. Start from The Ritual and go clockwise until you hit The Thief
  • Solution: The Ritual –> The Lover – The Lord –> The Mage –> The Shadow –> The Steed –> The Apprentice –> The Warrior –> The Lady –> The Tower –> The Atronach –> The Thief


Reward: Mauloch's Cleaver, 57 gold


Satak was the First Serpent – Level 32

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Given by Hayazzin

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Reward: Serpentskin Gloves, 115 gold


Tu'whacca's Throne

Revered Ancestors – Level 32

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Given by Ramati after completing Ash'abah Rising

Reward: Armiger's Protector, 231 gold


Tu'whacca's Breath – Level 34

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Quest giver is Throne Keeper Farvad

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Reward: Windcaller's Sash, 119 gold


A Reckoning with Uwafa – Level 34

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Given by Farvad after completing Tu'whacca's Breath

Reward: Throne Keeper Coif, 1 Skill Point, 119 gold


The Scholar of Bergama – Level 32

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Given by Fervad after completing A Reckoning with Uwafa

Reward: 57 gold


Gone Missing – Level 34

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Quest giver is Qadim who will run up to you if you are in the area

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When listening to the Forebear/Crown rumors, make sure you equip the disguise you were given in your inventory.

Investigate the Magistrate's House

  • Make sure you search the basement, there is a trapdoor that leads to it.


Reward: Justice Longbow, 298 gold


Left at the Altar – Level 34

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Given by Jagnas

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Reward: Brigandine of Bergama, 239 gold


Trouble at Tava's Blessing – Level 33

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Given by Meriq. You may not get this quest immediately and may need to wait a bit after completing The Scholar of Bergama

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Reward: 58 gold

Lizard Racing – Level 32

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Quest giver is Onwyn

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The lizard that Rena give you isn't good enough to win the race. You can get one from Hatiha not far from Bergama

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Reward: 115 gold

Ogre's Bluff

Snake in the Sands – Level 36

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Given by Letta

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You need to apply antidote to five poison victims. They are hard to find but watch your compass as any nearby will show up with the quest objective marker


Reward: 123 gold

Trapped in the Bluffs – Level 36

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Quest giver is Jarrod

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Reward: Caravan Chain, 123 gold


Leki's Blade

Undying Loyalty – Level 33

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Quest giver is Musi

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Reward: Sandwalker's War Boots, 235 gold


Master of Leki's Blade – Level 35

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Quest giver is a Leki's Disciple

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Answer the First Riddle from Smith Nabeenam

  • Why did she live? A: Both the man and the woman were bandits
  • How did Master Ahram win the duel? A: Master Ahram used a wooden training sword
  • What did his student give him? A: She promised to guard Leki's Blade in his place, to allow him to die in peace

Defeat the pupils

  • Watch out for the stun they put on you. They can finish you pretty quickly if you get hit by that stun. Stay at ranged if possible and don't let them get in melee range.

Reward: Master's Sharpsword, 486 gold


Malignant Militia – Level 35

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Quest giver is Uhrih

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Reward: Saltwalker Cinch, 243 gold


Sep's Spine/Coldrock Diggings

Whose Wedding? – Level 35

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Given by Aqabi of the Ungodly

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Reward: Wildur's Oath-Ring, 243 gold


Past Due – Level 35 – Coldrock Diggings

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Given by a Promissory Note inside Coldrock Diggings mini dungeon

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Reward: 121 gold

Lost City of the Na-Totambu (Public dungeon)

Secrets of the Lost City – Level 33

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Given by Paldeen

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To get the Left Eye of Yokuda, you have to pass through a bunch of traps, which you can avoid by hugging the left wall.

Reward: Yokudan Totem, 293 gold


An Ill-fated Venture – Level 33

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Given by a Letter to Tavo

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The relics you need to collect looks like these. If you are doing it solo, the upper part of the city which can you access by doing Secrets of the Lost City has tons of them without any mobs around it. These relics also respawn after a couple of minutes

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Reward: 293 gold


Feathered Fiends – Level 36

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Quest giver is a Gold Coast Scout

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The harpy eggs can be found in the rooftops


Reward: Harpy Feather Shirt, 494 gold


Tava's Blessing

Alasan's Plot – Level 36

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Quest giver is Talia at-Marimah

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Reward: Staff of Withering, 1 Skill Point, 308 gold


Shiri's Research – Level 34

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Given by Shiri after completing Alasan's Plot

Reward: 59 gold

Warship Designs – Level 33

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Given by Jeromec Lemal

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Reward: Ashlander Axe, 235 gold


HoonDing's Watch

March of the Ra Gada– Level 36

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Given by Throne Keeper Farvad

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Reward: Champion's Cuirass, 247 gold


Trails of the Hero – Level 36

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Given by Fervad after completing March of the Ra Gada

Reward: Mantle of Honor, 123 gold


The Search for Shiri – Level 35

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Quest given by Captain Rawan

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Reward: 121 gold

Tears of the Dishonored

Honoring the Dishonored– Level 36

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Given by Darius who will run up to you when you are in the area.

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Reward: Zariya's Sorrow, 247 gold


The Real Snake – Level 37

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Given by Letter to Fadeel

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Reward: 125 gold


Imperial Incursion– Level 37

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Quest giver is General Thoda

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Reward: Liberator's Spaulders, 251 gold


Temple Treasures – Level 37

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Given by High Priest Zuladr

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Reward: Tava's Mercy, 125 gold


Amputating the Hand– Level 35

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Given by Talia at-Marimah

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Reward: Suturah's Hubris, 1 Skill Point, 313 gold


Restoring the Ansei Wards – Level 36

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Given by Ansei after completing Amputating the Hand

Reward: Ansei Greatsword, 247 gold


Kingdom in Mourning – Level 37

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Given by King Fahara'jad after compelting Restorng the Ansei Wards

Reward: 125 gold

Eso How To Get To Alik R Desert


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